Discover new possibilities to reach your target audience. With our virtual event formats you can create captivating events despite travelling and assembly restrictions.


We plan captivating live experiences that will convince your audience – without the need for a hygiene concept. Tailored solutions with absolutely reliable live streaming.

Official partner
of ONevents.



Not a compromise, but the next level of event planning. Offer your on-site guests a live entertainment program, while online participants and speakers are shown additional content.


Record breaking speed

We guarantee an interference-free broadcasting experience that comes close to a TV event – regardless of where in the world your participants and speakers are located.

Host your live event from any location in the world, while we take care of the necessary equipment.

Smooth operation

From a virtual PR event to an on online conference with live podium discussion – tailored to your needs.

We create an exact schedule to guarantee a smooth transition between presentations, videos and live streamed appearances of remote speakers.

Versatile design options

Place your desired logos in the stream and include inserts, graphics and other visuals with your corporate design.

Let your audience get involved in your virtual events using live interactions such as votings, quizzes and moderated chats.


The future of communication is digital – as much is certain. Both the cost efficiency as well as the impact generated can be clearly raised compared to a classic on-site event.

Independent of location & travelling

Higher reach & less expense

Optimal planning security

Reliable data security*

* Data security – Your data is always handled confidentially and is extensively encrypted. After finalising your event all private data in relation to your event will be removed from our servers. Thus we can guarantee absolute discretion.

Ready for new possibilities?
